THC-2268 microtome is new-developed model, it offers features different from others. This machine adopt advanced guide rail,high-precision lead srews,retraction function,section and trimming mode. This model has professional design,secure struction,high-precision,stable preformance.It's prefectly suited for those who expect precision sectioning.
1. Ergonomical conception of devise,no feeling of tire for routine operation
2. Good section result whether by use of Standard Steel Knife or Disposable Blade
3. Specimen clamp positioned at 8 X/Y precision orientation system
4. Handweel system allow the handwheel locked at any position
5. Specimen retraction function(this function can be shut),Cutting and trimming modes
6. Course feed handwheel systems,closer to user to protect fatigue-free section
7. Exact zero position precise orientation systems,easy to operate
8. Red Knife guard to avoid any damage to user,and easy to change disposable blade
9. Blade holder can be moved sidewise,no need to move blade
10.An integrated storage tray (not supplied with basic instrument) ensures that ancillary
tools are on hand at all times
11.Large Waste tray,easy to clean and unload
Technical Specifications:
1. Section thickness range:0~60μm
2. Setting value: 0~20μm increment 1μm
20~60μm increment 5μm
3. Minimum Setting value:1μm
4. Precision Error:±5%
5. Maximum Specimen Size:60x50mm
6. Trimming Setting Mode:15μm or 35μm
7. Specimen Retraction Range: 90μm
8. Specimen retraction range of 90μm can be shut off
9. Object Feed: 30mm,Vertical Stroke: 70mm
10.Specimen Orientation System: 8 X/Y
11.Dimension: 570mmx500mmx300mm
12.Net Weight: 33kg
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